Friday, December 5, 2008

If Im allowed

Here I sit trying to keep kitty from jumping at the pointer on the screen, half watching Spongebob with my 3 year old...yes I know SB isnt a good example kinda program but she likes it and well...i kinda do too.

Im in the middle (I hope on the way down) of a manic stage, hence no sleep and random blogging/surfing ect.

Whats on my mind? My pre broken New Years Resolutions. Which will most likely be...Start another diet...STOP eating all forms of animal and animal by products...although I almost never do but hey im not where I wanna be...

Lets see what else...oh yeah no more smoking (stress smoking) Stop cussing (HAHAHAHA) and try to be more domestic...ya know more from scratch meals...a better mom and wife...all that good stuff...get closer with God...stop spending so much money at Walmart so the old man will stop bitching at me so much...yeah so I wonder if Ill be able to keep to any of those?!?! Prolly not! Well theres always 2010


EatPlayLove said...

I have come to conclude sponge bob isn't half as bad as I assumed. And, why don't you just focus on a couple of things for New Years! Easy for me to say, right?

Me said...

That is true, with most of the cartoons being not suitable for young children at ALL, I guess Spongebob is okay...I didnt mention in my blog that we have all the DVDs except for the last couple of new ones and I know all of them by heart lol...

As far as the New Years Res. I think ill just shut my eyes and throw a couple of darts...

Thanks for visiting my blog!

Secret Identity said...

Hey, if you're looking to lose weight, this is what you need to read:

The entire website is full of free, golden information. The author is a body builder. He isn't trying to take your money, just give out of the information for people who have been struggle their whole lives to get things right. The whole website is amazing. Read it

Me said...

Hey thanks alot for the site..will take a look.